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Whats The Good Word
--Great taste without burning your lips off!!--------------------
Tallywaggers Barbeque Sauce
Just say no to ketchup!!!
Ordering Info 

12 ounces of New England’s best in each bottle!

Choose REGULAR (won’t burn your lips off) or WIMPY JAMES (limited production and not always available)

WIMPY JAMES is named after either my brother Jimmy or my best friend Mr. James.

If either asks, I tell ‘em it’s the other!

They’re mixed and you can mix ’em up also. Choose a mixture of REGULAR (won’t burn your lips off) and WIMPY JAMES.

12 bottle case price plus shipping and handling.  Call for pricing.

Shipping and handling for continental U.S. only.

Shipped Priority Mail or best price available.  If I get backed up, I will let you know as soon as possible.

Quantity discounts available -

e-mail or call for details:

(207) 443-1117 

16 Garden Street
Bath, Maine 04530

For more information or to order email:  tallywaggers@gmail.com